Every day, great ideas are lost simply because people are unable to present them effectively. Presentations are tied to everything that we do. In order to present our ideas effectively in order to influence decisions and outcomes, we must first be able to enhance our ability to manage ourselves, our content, and our audience.
The two-day workshop aims to provide learners the skills and knowledge in delivering an effective presentation. They will be able to build their confidence and develop their natural presentation styles as they present information and data that will increase audience understanding and engagement.
Learning Objectives:
By the end of the two-day program, the participants will be able to demonstrate confidence in connecting and engaging with their audience specifically through:
- applying the best practices in preparing for and delivering presentations;
- demonstrating self-awareness and self-management during presentations;
- creating presentation tools and visuals that increase retention and understanding;
- utilizing different presentation techniques to connect with audience profiles and preferences;
- organizing the content to increase understanding, and create value for the audience; and
- apply action steps to continue one’s growth.